Itinerary for the 2023 Biberach and Riga exchange: 

26 March, 2023 – 1 April, 2023 

Sunday 26/03/23  Latvian guests arrive in Biberach  


7.25 The Latvian guests meet in front of the principal’s office and are welcomed by the school principal. Tour of the school campus. 

8.15 -10.00 activities to get to know each other, team challenge in F301 

10.30-12.30 guided tour of Biberach only for the Latvian guests, starting point in front of the museum 

13.25 – 15.00 workshop: TicTacTorch with Mrs Bernlöhr and Mr Streit and the young scientists at the WG (F401) 

18.00 Latvian teachers are invited to have dinner with German teachers in “Eberbacher Hof”. 



8.15 Latvian students meet with their teachers and have time to share their first impressions (WG, E308) 

9.15 – 10.50 Students will participate in different lessons: Maths and Science 

Time for lunch in Biberach, walk to pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim  

13.30 – 15.30 visit of Boehringer Ingelheim 



Trip to Friedrichshafen, (Lake Constance) 

7.25 German and Latvian students meet in the WG (Foyer) 

7.40 Departure of train  

9.00-12.00 workshops at the Wissenswerkstatt 

Time for lunch, ice cream.. or enjoy packed lunch 

14.00 – 15.30 guided tour in the Zeppelin-Museum 

16.34 departure of the train back to Biberach 



8.00 – 10.00 visit at the Hochschule Biberach (University of Applied Science) 

Return to WG 

11.00 – 12.35 the “Europabotschafter” (European Ambassadors) and other students meet the Latvian guests. Workshop: young people in the Ukraine, also political interests. 

Lunch in the canteen  

13.25 – 15.00 Students attend some extracurricular activities,  

15.15 – 16.45 teachers learn about the teacher training programme in Baden-Württemberg. 

(19.00 Latvian teachers can watch the play “Emil and the detectives” by the theatre group at the WG) 



Trip to Ulm, only for Latvian guests 

8.18 departure of the train to Ulm 

Visit of Ulm, climbing the highest church tower in the world 

12.48 departure of the train back to Biberach 

German partners may meet their Latvian partners in Ulm and spend some time together there. 

14.00 – 15.30 the school principal and vice principal meet the Latvian teachers and talk about the school administration or any other topics of interest 

18.00 – 19.30 Farewell party at the WG  



4.30 Latvians leave for Munich airport 


Goodbye and have a safe trip! See you soon ?